

Risk Warning Regarding Cloned Website

26th January 2022
The Guernsey Financial Services Commission has become aware that a website has been established cloning the Commission’s own website (The GFSREA – Guernsey Financial Services and Regulatory Enforcement Authority – The Commission’s website domain is The Guernsey Financial Services and Regulatory Enforcement Authority’s website appears to closely resemble the Commission...

Mr Robert Archibald Gilchrist Sinclair

21st January 2022
On the 20th day of January 2022, the Commission imposed a discretionary financial penalty of £196,000 on Robert Archibald Gilchrist Sinclair and prohibited him from holding the position of controller,* director, partner, manager, money laundering reporting officer and money laundering compliance officer for a period of 5.6 years. The exemption set out in section 3(1)(g) of the Fiduciaries Law...

Hansard Limited, Andrew Neil Parr, Alan Peter Northmore, Philip Clive Blows, David Samuel Lloyd, Lynn Giovinazzi

22nd December 2021
The Financial Services Business (Enforcement Powers) (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020 (“the Enforcement Powers Law”) The Regulation of Fiduciaries, Administration Businesses and Company Directors, etc (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020 (the “Fiduciaries Law”) The Criminal Justice (Proceeds of Crime) (Financial Services Businesses) (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Regulations, 2007 (“the Regulations”) The...

Professional Indemnity Insurance Requirements Consultation

8th December 2021
The Guernsey Financial Services Commission has issued today two consultation papers on professional indemnity insurance (“PII”), one addressing the Fiduciary and Investment sectors and the other relevant for Insurance Managers and Insurance Intermediaries. Following a process of data collection, engagement with industry participants and policy review, a number of proposals are made to amend the...

Commission increases Fees for 2022

12th November 2021
The Commission plans to increase licence fees paid by firms from 1 January 2022 by 7.6% with the agreement of the Policy & Resources Committee. On 16 July 2021, the Commission published a consultation paper on its 2022 fees containing four main proposals:- an overall fee increase of 10.1% for all sectors; a restructuring of fees for the investment sector; changes arising from the update to most of...

Future-proofing Guernsey’s finance sector

1st November 2021
The new and amended regulatory laws, rules, codes and guidance relating to the Commission’s Revision of Laws project come into effect today and can be found on the Commission’s website here . The Commission undertook extensive public consultation and engagement on revising the Bailiwick’s supervisory and regulatory laws with the aim of maintaining a respected regulatory regime for financial...

Consultation on Ancillary Vehicles

1st November 2021
Following feedback to the Commission’s Consultation Paper on Ancillary Vehicles, the Commission has conducted further data collection and analysis. This process is ongoing and the policy proposals remain under consideration. It should be noted, therefore, that upon commencement of the new and amended regulatory laws on 1 November 2021, the notification regime for Ancillary Vehicles and the...

Distribution of Annual Fee Invoices and Generic Email Addresses

29th October 2021
Following on from last year, the Commission will be distributing 2022 annual fee invoices using the generic email address that we hold on record for each licensee and registrant. If you wish to check which email address the Commission holds for your firm, please contact '[email protected]', quoting the entity name and GFSC reference number, which can be found on our website ( Regulated Entities...

Revised rules, codes and guidance

6th October 2021
The Commission is publishing today the finalised draft revised rules, codes and guidance that accompany the introduction of the revised principal laws dealing with the regulation of financial services business in the Bailiwick as part of the Commission’s Revision of Laws project. The new rules, codes and guidance will come into effect on Monday 1 November 2021, on the same day as the new and...