
Events Index

2025 Industry Conference: Looking ahead – enhancing the Bailiwick through innovation, simplicity and ease of use

The Commission's Chairman John Aspden opens the conference
More than 500 industry representatives joined the Guernsey Financial Services Commission on Tuesday 11 March at Beau Sejour Leisure Centre for its 2025 Industry Conference “Looking ahead - enhancing the Bailiwick through innovation, simplicity and ease of use.” The Commission is pleased to share the following speeches and presentations from the event: After MONEYVAL - an update on the evaluation...

Approach to Risk-based Supervision – a refresher

On Tuesday 8 October, the Commission held three one-hour Approach to Risk-based Supervision – a refresher sessions at Les Cotils. The sessions, attended by almost 400 individuals, covered: the Commission's approach to risk-based supervision, including what risk-based supervision is and how it works; how the Commission engages with firms, from onsite and thematic visits to returns and notification...

Finovation: The Guernsey Edge

Image with connecting dots with the words Finovation: The Guernsey Edge in a cropped circle
On 11 September 2024, the Guernsey Financial Services Commission and Guernsey Finance hosted Finovation: The Guernsey Edge at Beau Sejour Leisure Centre. Attendees heard how Guernsey could leverage its unique position to harness technology in driving growth and improving efficiency. The Commission is pleased to provide recordings of the day's sessions, along with slides (where available): Welcome...

Events for Lawyers, Accountants & Estate Agents (Prescribed Businesses)

Glategny Court, Glategny Esplanade, St Peter Port
On Thursday 8 August and Friday 9 August the Commission delivered three presentations regarding the findings from its thematic review of Governance, Risk, and Compliance Controls to Counter Financial Crime - Estate Agency, Legal and Accountancy Services published on 4 April 2024. These sessions were attended by over 100 people. Slides from the presentation can be found directly via the following...

Industry Briefing on the National Risk Assessment on Legal Persons and Legal Arrangements

On Tuesday 9 April from 10am to 1pm at Beau Sejour, representatives from the States of Guernsey and the Guernsey Financial Services Commission will present on the Bailiwick’s assessment of the risk of Guernsey administered legal persons and legal arrangements being abused for financial crime. The National Risk Assessment on Legal Persons and Legal Arrangements will form part of the Bailiwick of...

Identifying & Mitigating Risk: Business Risk and PEP Risk Thematic Presentations

Harry Bound Room, Les Cotils Centre, Les Cotils, St Peter Port, GY1 1UU
On Monday 25 September and Tuesday 26 September, the Commission delivered a series of sector specific presentations regarding the findings from its thematic reviews of Business Risk Assessments and Politically Exposed Persons published on 15 December and 27 July respectively. The slides are now available through the following link:

Sustainable Finance Week - Meet the Regulator

Glategny Court, Glategny Esplanade, St Peter Port
We are delighted to be supporting various events as part of WE ARE GUERNSEY's Sustainable Finance Week which will showcase how Guernsey is at the forefront of sustainable finance thinking and innovation. On Tuesday 19 September, we host a 'Meet the Regulator' event where our Authorisations Team will be on hand to answer questions about our sustainable finance approach. To find out more and to...

AI & Finance in Guernsey: The Power and the Implications

Beau Sejour Leisure Centre, St Peter Port
On 28 th June 2023, the Commission hosted a conference jointly with Guernsey Finance – AI & Finance in Guernsey: The Power and the Implications. Attendees heard how Guernsey's nimbleness, robust legal framework and approach to regulation could enable the Island's financial services Industry to benefit from the opportunities posed by the rise of Artificial Intelligence. The Commission is pleased to...

Six Directorships Registration Proposals

Glategny Court, Glategny Esplanade, St Peter Port
Following the States of Guernsey's Policy & Resources Committee’s recent publication of its Consultation Paper on proposed revisions to the supervisory framework surrounding the six directorship exemption , the Commission will be hosting two meetings for interested persons at its offices on Glategny Esplanade on the following dates: Wednesday 21 December 2022 from 8.30am to 10am and on Monday 9...