
Fees for persons licensed under The Regulation of Fiduciaries, Administration Businesses and Company Directors, etc. (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020 with effect from 1 January 2025

Full details of the revised fees from 1 January 2025 payable under The Regulation of Fiduciaries, Administration Businesses and Company Directors, etc. (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020 ("the Law"), including the calculation of variable fees, (and other legislation administered by the Commission) appear in The Financial Services Commission (Fees and Administrative Penalties) Regulations, 2024. For ease of reference, a summary is shown in the tables below:

Application fees
Personal fiduciary licence ​£1,355
Primary fiduciary licence ​£3,085
Secondary fiduciary licence ​£750
Discretionary exemption - individual ​£635
Discretionary exemption - company or partnership £1,420
Annual fees
Personal fiduciary licence ​£1,405
Primary fiduciary licence - annual turnover from regulated fiduciary activities up to £249,999.99 £6,845
Primary fiduciary licence - annual turnover from regulated fiduciary activities from £250,000 to £499,999.99 ​£13,680
Primary fiduciary licence - annual turnover from regulated fiduciary activities from £500,000 to £999,999.99 £20,525
Primary fiduciary licence - annual turnover from regulated fiduciary activities from £1,000,000 to £1,999,999.99 £27,355
Primary fiduciary licence - annual turnover from regulated fiduciary activities from £2,000,000 to £3,999,999.99 £34,200
Primary fiduciary licence - annual turnover from regulated fiduciary activities from £4,000,000 to £7,999,999.99 £41,035
Primary fiduciary licence - annual turnover from regulated fiduciary activities from £8,000,000 to £15,999,999.99 £54,715
Primary fiduciary licence - annual turnover from regulated fiduciary activities £16,000,000 or over £68,400
Change of Controller fee
Application Fee £2,655
Other fees
Use of name under section 50 of The Financial Services Business (Enforcement Powers) (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020 ​£2,410
Pension regulation annual fees (licensees engaged in pension business)
Fixed fee ​£620
Fee per scheme member, up to a maximum per scheme of £7,500 £1

Amalgamation of a company or migration out of a company

Amalgamation of a company or migration out of a company

An application for the Commission's consent for the amalgamation of two or more bodies corporate pursuant to the provisions of the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008

An application to the Commission for the consent of the Commission for the removal of a supervised company from the Register of Companies for the purposes of becoming registered as a company under the law of a district, territory, or place outside Guernsey in accordance with the provisions of the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 £2,950

Incorporation consent for an unregulated PCC / ICC

The following fee is payable where a request is made under The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 for consent to incorporate a PCCs or ICCs structure that will not be regulated and / or does not form part of a licence application.

An application to the Commission for consent to incorporate a PCC / ICC that will not become a regulated entity. £560

Administrative Financial Penalties


Where a licensee files a relevant document (such as its annual return and accounts) after the specified deadline date, a late filing penalty may apply. This will be calculated using the table below. Each subsequent month (or part of a month) that the relevant fee has not been paid will result in a further incremental penalty accruing.

Late Filing Penalty Penalty Increments
First Month £125
Second Month £250
Third Month £375
Each Subsequent Month £375

The Commission may grant deadline extensions under extenuating circumstances. Where the Commission has done this, that date will be taken as the revised deadline date for the purposes of calculating any late filing penalties.


Where a licensee pays its annual fee subsequent to the due date, a penalty may apply. For the annual fee levied each calendar year, the due date is 31 January. For pro-rated annual fees, this is 30 days after the fee becomes payable. In both cases, the due date will be included on the invoice.

The fee will be calculated using the table below. Each subsequent month (or part of a month) that the relevant fee has not been paid will result in a further incremental penalty accruing.

Late Payment Penalty Penalty Increments
First Month £125
Second Month £250
Third Month £375
Each Subsequent Month £375

As consulted on in 2022, where a licensee has submitted a relevant document that is inaccurate, a penalty will be calculated as per the table below.

Inaccurate Filing Penalty

Error Identified by Firm Error Identified by the Commission
On identification of the error and return of the submission for correction by the firm £125 £500
Each subsequent month taken to correct the error £125 £500

To ensure the regime is proportionate, inaccurate filing penalties will apply on a case-by-case basis, which looks to ensure that such penalties are not issued for small discrepancies or where guidance is unclear.