

Feedback statement on the new Fiduciary Rules, 2021 Consultation Paper

15th September 2021
The Commission has today published the feedback to its Consultation Paper on the new Fiduciary Rules, 2021. In June 2021, the Commission published a Consultation Paper making proposals for the necessary revision of the Fiduciary Rules, 2020 in readiness for the coming into force of the revised Fiduciaries Law on 1 November 2021. The key revision proposed related to the re-categorisation of...

Revised regulatory laws

13th September 2021
On Friday 10 September, the States of Deliberation approved the necessary Ordinances to bring into effect the revision of the five principal Laws dealing with the regulation of financial services business in the Bailiwick as part of the Commission’s Revision of Laws project. The passing of the commencement ordinances means that the following laws will come into effect on 1 November 2021: The...

New Discretionary Financial Penalties - Update

21st July 2021
As we have worked on some current enforcement matters it has become apparent to us that we will be taking some cases forward seeking pecuniary sanctions where there is some wrongdoing before 13th November 2017 and some wrongdoing after 13th November 2017. Our intent in relation to such matters is not clearly covered by the Guidance Note on the Commission’s general approach to Enforcement issued in...

Commission consults on Fees for 2022

16th July 2021
The Commission today launches a consultation paper on proposals for increasing the licence fees paid by firms. The consultation period will close on Wednesday 8 September. The Commission’s consultation paper is available here. Feedback may be provided via the Consultation Hub section of the Commission’s website: Taking into account the Commission’s current and...

Updates to the Handbook on Countering Financial Crime and Terrorist Financing and issuance of Instruction

5th July 2021
The Commission has today issued amendments to the country lists in Appendix C and Appendix I of the Handbook on Countering Financial Crime and Terrorist Financing reflecting the Financial Action Task Force’s updated list of jurisdictions under increased monitoring, which includes Malta, Haiti, the Philippines and South Sudan. The amendments include the removal of Malta from the list of equivalent...

Removal of restriction on the use of Incorporated Cell Companies by Non-Financial Services Businesses

5th July 2021
The Commission has implemented The Companies (Incorporated Cell Companies) (Prescribed Classes) Regulations, 2021. Previously, under the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 a non-financial services business wishing to be incorporated as an Incorporated Cell Company (ICC), was required to be administered by a licensed person. The new regulations remove this requirement where the ICC is to be a non...

Consultation Paper on the Codes and Guidance Documents proposed to be re-issued under Revision of Laws

10th June 2021
The Guernsey Financial Services Commission has issued today a consultation paper (“CP”) seeking views from interested parties as part of the implementation of the Revision of Laws Project. The CP relates to the proposed re-issuing of the Commission’s codes and guidance due to the revised supervisory laws arising from the Revision of Laws Project. The draft codes and guidance do not implement...

Considering climate change – the Commission publishes updated Finance Sector Code of Corporate Governance

10th June 2021
The Commission has today published the amended Finance Sector Code of Corporate Governance which asks Boards to consider the impact of climate change on their strategy and risk profile and, where they judge it appropriate, make climate change related disclosures. A copy of the new Code can be found here. This amendment was consulted on as part of the Commission’s Spring Green Consultation, issued...

Commission’s 2020 Annual Report

13th May 2021
The Commission has today published its 2020 annual report and financial statements. Talking about the report, the Commission’s Director General, William Mason noted that: “ Last year, in common with the rest of the world, the Bailiwick had to deal with the effects of the global pandemic. During that period, the Commission faced a number of additional challenges as did our licensees. I was...