
Articles from 2025

Sanctions Notice - Syria

6th March 2025
Please be advised that the following entries have been removed from the UK Syria financial sanctions regime and are no longer subject to an asset freeze: REAL ESTATE BANK OF SYRIA (REB) (UNIQUE ID: SYR0326) SAVING BANK (UNIQUE ID: SYR0327) AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVE BANK (UNIQUE ID: SYR0277) CENTRAL BANK OF SYRIA (UNIQUE ID: SYR0285) COMMERCIAL BANK OF SYRIA (UNIQUE ID: SYR0290) INDUSTRIAL BANK...

Fourth Quarter 2024 Investment Statistics

5th March 2025
Guernsey Funds The total net asset value of Guernsey funds at the end of the quarter was £290.1 billion, an increase over the quarter of £1.3 billion (+0.5%). Over the past year, total net asset values have changed by less than 0.1% with an increase of £0.1 billion. Closed-ended Schemes Within these totals, Guernsey closed-ended funds decreased over the quarter by £0.5 billion (-0.2%) to £238.3...

Updates to the AML/CFT/CPF Handbook

3rd March 2025
The Commission has today issued an amendment to the country list in Appendix I of the Handbook on Countering Financial Crime (AML/CFT/CPF) (the “Handbook”) reflecting the Financial Action Task Force (“FATF”)’s updated list of jurisdictions under increased monitoring, which added the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Nepal. Both countries were already included on Appendix I due to being listed...

Sanctions Notice - Russia

3rd March 2025
Please be advised the following entry: OJSC KEREMET BANK (Group ID: 16829) has been corrected to include updated or additional information under the Russia financial sanctions regime and is still subject to an asset freeze and trust services sanctions. The persons/entities referred to above appear on the UK’s consolidated list, which can be found here . The UK regulations are given effect within...

Sanctions Notice - Global Human Rights

3rd March 2025
Please be advised that details in respect of the following individual, who has been designated under the Global Anti-Corruption Sanctions Regulations 2021 (the UK regulations), have been amended: MANGUE TEODORO NGUEMA OBIANG (Unique ID: GAC0024) The above entity is still subject to an asset freeze, trust services sanctions, travel ban and a prohibition on correspondent banking and clearing. The...

Sanctions Notice - Russia

3rd March 2025
Please be advised that the following person has been revoked from the UK Russia financial sanctions regime. This individual is no longer subject to an asset freeze, transport sanctions, and travel ban: FRANCOIS EDOUARD MAURON (Unique ID: RUS1999) The consolidated list has been updated and can be found here . The UK regulations are given effect within the Bailiwick under the Sanctions...

Sanctions Notice - Russia

27th February 2025
Please be advised that details in respect of the following entity, who has been designated under The Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 , have been corrected: OJSC KEREMET BANK (Group ID: 16829) The above entity is still subject to an asset freeze, trust services sanctions and a prohibition on correspondent banking and clearing. The entity referred to above appears on the UK’s...

Sanctions Notice - Russia

27th February 2025
Please be advised that details in respect of the following persons/entities, who have been designated under The Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 , have been corrected: Vasily Vitalyevich Abramov (Group ID: 16773) Natalya Aleksandrovna Tyurina (Group ID: 16823) JSC SIBERIA AIRLINES (Group ID: 16788) MONOLINK GROUP FZCO (Group ID: 16769) The above persons/entities are still subject to...

Sanctions Notice - Russia

26th February 2025
Please be advised that the following person has been removed from the UK Russia financial sanctions regime and is no longer subject to an asset freeze, travel ban or trust services sanctions: FRANCOIS EDOUARD MAURON (Group ID: 14489) The consolidated list has been updated and can be found here . The UK regulations are given effect within the Bailiwick under the Sanctions (Implementation of UK...