

Consultation Paper on Protected Cell Company (“PCC”) as Pension Service Provider (“PSP”)

16th September 2024
The Guernsey Financial Services Commission has today issued a Consultation Paper seeking views from interested parties on a proposal to permit Pension Service Providers (PSPs) to be formed as Protected Cell Companies (PCCs). Under the current legal framework, a company cannot be a PCC unless it falls under certain prescribed regulated categories, which do not include PSPs. The Consultation Paper...

Consultation Paper on The Lending, Credit & Finance Rules, Guidance and Implementation

21st July 2022
The Commission has today published a Consultation Paper setting out the Commission’s Rules and approach for regulating the sectors covered by The Lending, Credit and Finance (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2022, and is seeking feedback on its proposed Rules and approach. The purpose of the new Law, which was passed by the States of Guernsey on 14 July 2022, is to protect customers in the Bailiwick...

Commission consults on Fees for 2023

20th July 2022
The Commission today launches a consultation paper on proposals for increasing the licence fees paid by firms. The consultation period will close on Wednesday 14 September. The consultation paper is available on the Commission’s Consultation Hub. The Commission is consulting on an overall increase in fees of 9%. Other specific proposals to change fees are outlined in the consultation paper and...

Thematic Review of the Pension Transfer Landscape in the Bailiwick

9th June 2022
The Commission has today published a Thematic Review of the Pension Transfer Landscape in the Bailiwick The Thematic Review highlights our findings for both the local pension sector and for pension members and illustrates our expectations in this area together with examples of good practice and areas for improvement. If a pension transfer request is not completed within 60 days from the date the...

Update regarding cloned website

28th January 2022
On Wednesday 26 January, the Commission reported that it had become aware of a website that had been established cloning the Commission’s own website. Since becoming aware of the matter, the Commission submitted abuse notifications to the domain registrar and the hosting provider as well as reporting the URL as malicious to the appropriate authorities. The cloned website’s domain has been taken...

Risk Warning Regarding Cloned Website

26th January 2022
The Guernsey Financial Services Commission has become aware that a website has been established cloning the Commission’s own website (The GFSREA – Guernsey Financial Services and Regulatory Enforcement Authority – The Commission’s website domain is The Guernsey Financial Services and Regulatory Enforcement Authority’s website appears to closely resemble the Commission...

Notification of Surrenders and Suspensions from licensees and registrants

1st December 2021
Ahead of distributing 2022 annual fees, licensees and registrants who wish to surrender or suspend their licence (or one that they administer) must notify the Commission in good time ahead of the New Year. If the Commission does not give consent to a surrender or a suspension based on the notification requirements set out in the regulations, then licensees or registrants may be liable to pay their...

Commission increases Fees for 2022

12th November 2021
The Commission plans to increase licence fees paid by firms from 1 January 2022 by 7.6% with the agreement of the Policy & Resources Committee. On 16 July 2021, the Commission published a consultation paper on its 2022 fees containing four main proposals:- an overall fee increase of 10.1% for all sectors; a restructuring of fees for the investment sector; changes arising from the update to most of...