

Green Insurance in Guernsey

7th November 2018
The Commission is pleased to release a discussion paper on the development of green insurance in Guernsey. The paper considers how the Bailiwick might become a supportive jurisdiction for green insurance and welcomes feedback from third parties. The fundamental challenge of a warming planet is not going to go away and there will be a continuing demand for measures to mitigate climate change. In...

Code of Market Conduct

5th November 2018
The Commission is pleased to announce the publication of the Code of Market Conduct (“the Code”) following the closing of the consultation period on 12 July 2018. The aim of the Code is to provide guidance on whether or not behaviour amounts to market abuse, in the opinion of the Commission. The Commission would like to express its gratitude to everyone who has provided valuable feedback on the...

Cyber/Information Security Information Pack for Boards

30th October 2018
The Guernsey Financial Services Commission (“The Commission”) recognises that cyber and information security is a high priority risk area for organisations of all sizes. The Commission considers that all financial services firms and prescribed businesses in the Bailiwick of Guernsey should have a structured approach to managing cyber and information security. Cyber and information security should...

Commission announces two-year freeze in licence fees

3rd October 2018
The Commission has historically consulted annually with industry on proposals for increasing the fees which it charges licensees. Those fees represent the Commission’s principal method of funding its operational costs including any capital expenditure. However, after careful consideration, the Commission has decided not to seek any increase in the current level of its fees for the next two years...

World Investor Week - Seminars by the Guernsey Association of Pension Providers

2nd October 2018
As part of World Investor Week (“WIW”), which is being supported by the Commission, the Guernsey Association of Pension Providers (“GAPP”) is hosting a number of pensions seminars. These seminars, which are free to attend, will be held on Wednesday 3rd October 2018 at the Chamber of Commerce’s offices at Unit 10, Market Buildings, St Peter Port, Guernsey. This is a great opportunity to hear from...

World Investor Week

1st October 2018
The Guernsey Financial Services Commission (‘the Commission’) is once again taking part in World Investor Week (WIW), an annual global initiative organised by the International Organisation of Securities Commission’s (IOSCO). It is being held during the first week of October. WIW seeks to promote the importance of investor education and protection. As part of its commitment, the Commission will be...

“The relationship between regulation and economic growth.”

17th September 2018
The Commission’s Director General, William Mason, was the guest speaker at today’s lunchtime event held by the Chamber of Commerce. Mr Mason explored the positive relationship that can exist between regulation and economic growth. He posited that the key issue is not whether growth and regulation can co-exist but rather what level and type of regulation is optimal for economic growth. He suggested...

June Quarter 2018 Statistics Show Increase

4th September 2018
Second Quarter 2018 Investment Funds The net asset value of total funds under management and administration has increased in Sterling terms over the quarter ended 30 June 2018 by £13 billion (4.94%) to £276 billion. For the year since 30 June 2017, total net asset values increased by £5 billion (1.9%). Open-ended Funds Within these totals, Guernsey domiciled open-ended funds increased by £1.4...

Commission announces senior staff changes

31st August 2018
Following the appointment of Dr Andy Sloan, as Deputy Chief Executive, Strategy at Guernsey Finance, the Commission has made some alterations to its senior management structure. To ensure more integrated supervision, Fiduciary, Investment and Pensions firms will be supervised for conduct and prudential purposes by one division. This will be known as the Investment, Fiduciary and Pension Division...