
Financial Crime

Legislation and Handbook - amendments to the Bailiwick's Framework for Countering Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

15th December 2007
​ The Criminal Justice (Proceeds of Crime) (Financial Services Businesses) (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Regulations, 2007 have now been signed by the Policy Council and, as anticipated, come into force on 15 December. The Commission is also now formally issuing the Handbook for Financial Services Businesses on Countering Financial Crime and Terrorist Financing (containing rules and guidance) dated 15...

Guernsey International financial services commission

10th September 2007
​GUERNSEY INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES COMMISSION, INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL SERVICES CERTIFIED PAYMENT LIABILITY COVERAGE, IFSP & LC CERTIFICATION DECLARATION FORM The Commission has become aware of a scam in which victims are asked to pay a fee in order to obtain “Certified Payment Liability Coverage” from the “International Financial Services Commission”, to enable funds to be released. The...

Proposed Wire Transfer Legislation, Rules and Guidance

28th February 2007
​The Commission has prepared draft Bailiwick anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing legislation on wire transfers to ensure that BACs can continue to be used by firms in the Islands for transfers between the Islands and the UK. The draft Transfer of Funds (Guernsey/Alderney/Sark) Ordinance, 2007 is available here (PDF, 55 Kb). A draft of chapter 7 of the Commission’s proposed AML...

Equitable Life Assurance Society Limited (“Equitable Life”)

12th May 2006
It has been announced that Canada Life has reached an agreement with Equitable Life to acquire most of its non-profit annuity book of business. The Commission has received no communication from Equitable Life concerning its arrangements with Canada Life although we were advised in very broad terms of the nature of the announcement by the FSA as part of our regular communication with them. The...

Introducer Certificate

4th May 2005
​The Fiduciary Sector Policy Forum (FSPF) and the Association of Guernsey Banks (AGB) have worked closely with the Commission to produce an introducer certificate, in order to develop a consistent approach to the provision of information in respect of the underlying principals of business introduced by fiduciaries in the Bailiwick to local banks. The FSPF and AGB have now agreed the contents of...

Introduced Business - Statement No. 2

27th April 2005
27 April 2005 Representatives of the finance sector in Guernsey have requested clarification of the Commission's policy on certain aspects of introduced business. Accordingly, following consultation with the Joint Money Laundering Steering Group, the Commission has today issued Statement No. 2 on introduced business to the finance sector. Enquiries should be made to: Sylvia Sirett Senior Analyst...

Statement on Anti-Money Laundering Standards for Existing Customers

30th June 2004
​Press Release - Anti-Money Laundering Standards for Existing Customers 30 June 2004 Following the issue of revised Recommendations by the Financial Action Task Force in 2003, the Commission has issued a statement on anti-money laundering standards for existing customers (available here as a PDF document). The statement requires financial services businesses to assess the risk of each business...

Statement on Interviews

2nd April 2004
​The Commission has today published a statement on interviews conducted under section 21B(1) of the Financial Services Commission (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 1987, as amended. The purpose of the statement is to set out the Commission's policy on the conduct of interviews under the Financial Services Commission Law to assist a foreign authority to carry out its functions. The statement on...