

Commission Issues Feedback on the Code of Conduct for Authorised Insurance Representatives Consultation

7th March 2017
The Guernsey Financial Services Commission has today issued feedback on comments received on its proposals to amend the Code of Conduct for Authorised Insurance Representatives (“the Code”). The Commission has also published the final version of the Code, which will come into effect on 1 April 2017 - this is available to read via the following link: Code of Conduct for Authorised Insurance...

Opening a Consultation on Revisions to The Licensees (Conduct of Business) Rules 2016 (Amendment) Rules 2017

16th February 2017
The Commission is today opening a consultation on the Licensees (Conduct of Business) Rules 2016 (Amendment) Rules 2017. The Licensees (Conduct of Business) Rules 2016 (Amendment) Rules 2017 will provide transitional arrangements from the Licensees (Conduct of Business) Rules 2014 and will formally revoke those rules. Responses to the consultation on these Rules which can be found via this link...

Commission Issues Feedback on Special Purpose Insurer Rules Consultation

9th December 2016
The Guernsey Financial Services Commission has today issued feedback on comments received on its proposals to amend the framework underlying the Insurance Business (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law 2002 (the “Law”) with the making of rules for Special Purpose Insurers and a related, minor amendment to the Insurance Business (Solvency) Rules 2015. The final version of the Insurance Business (Special...

Consultation on Revisions to the Code of Conduct for Authorised Insurance Representatives (“the Code”).

6th December 2016
The Commission is today issuing a consultation paper on revisions to the Code of Conduct for Authorised Insurance Representatives. The proposed Code clarifies the minimum standards expected to be met by an authorised insurance representative and takes into account current trading methodologies and rapidly changing and developing customer behaviours. Responses to the consultation which can be found...

Commission consults on proposed Bank Liquidity Framework

7th November 2016
The Commission is today issuing a consultation paper on proposals for the implementation of a new regulatory liquidity framework for banks. The proposed framework establishes a revised minimum regulatory liquidity requirement for Guernsey incorporated banks, consistent with the Basel Committee’s Basel III standard, along with revised liquidity reporting requirements for all banks. Basel III...

Commission consults on proposed Special Purpose Insurer Rules

14th October 2016
The Commission is today issuing a consultation paper on proposed rules for Special Purpose Insurers. These rules will serve to codify the Commission’s existing practice in relation to Insurance Linked Securities and, in particular, entities conducting collateralised reinsurance. Responses to the consultation which can be found via this link are sought by Friday 11 November 2016.

Consultation on Private Investment Fund

13th October 2016
The Guernsey Financial Services Commission is consulting on proposals to introduce a regime for private investment funds. Background This consultation is the evolution of discussions held by the Investment Supervision and Policy Division and industry, commencing with the Manager-Led Product. These discussions acknowledged a gap in the current suite of investment products within the Bailiwick...

Commission consults on proposals to revise the Bailiwick's Financial Regulatory Infrastructure for Lending, Credit & Finance Firms

26th August 2016
The Commission is today issuing a discussion paper seeking feedback on a number of regulatory proposals for firms involved in lending, credit and finance. Please click here for a copy. The Bailiwick does not currently have consumer lending and credit regulation. The Commission is concerned that this may lead to consumers being at risk of not being treated appropriately and a lack of certainty with...