

Engagement on Draft Protection of Investors Law and proposed definitions

1st February 2018
The Commission is seeking feedback on the provisions of the draft Protection of Investors Law and the definitions which are proposed to be used across the revised supervisory laws and specifically whether these may have any unintended consequences or contain fatal flaws. The engagement papers which the Commission has published set out the topics upon which assistance is requested and questions...

Revisions to the Bailiwick's AML/CFT Framework

26th September 2017
The consultations by the Policy and Resources Committee and the Guernsey Financial Services Commission on proposed revisions to the Proceeds of Crime legal and regulatory framework, have closed with more than 70 responses from across the financial and professional services sector. The draft revisions to the Criminal Justice (Proceeds of Crime) (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 1999, the two sets of...

Commission consults on Fees for 2018

28th July 2017
The Commission today launches a consultation paper (please click here for a copy) on its proposals for the 2018 licence fees paid by firms. The consultation period will close on Friday 8th of September. An overall blended rate of increase of 3%, excluding anomalies, is proposed for 2018. Commission Chairman, Drs Cees Schrauwers, said: "For five years the Commission has kept the average fee...

Engagement on Draft Financial Services Business (Enforcement Powers) (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2017

25th July 2017
Introduction The Commission is today seeking feedback and assistance from the financial services industry specifically on whether the provisions of the Enforcement Law may have any unintended consequences or fatal flaws. What the engagement is not about The Commission has engaged with the financial services industry through the issuing of a discussion paper and later through a full consultation...

Lending, Credit and Finance Consultation

18th July 2017
The Commission is today issuing a consultation paper seeking feedback on a number of regulatory proposals for firms involved in lending, credit and finance. The consultation period will close on Friday 15th September 2017. The proposals contained within the consultation paper have a twofold purpose:- A) Opening up Guernsey to more innovative, often digitally enabled, financial services which don’t...

Consultation on Revisions to the Bailiwick’s AML/CFT Framework

9th June 2017
The Policy and Resources Committee of the States of Guernsey ("P&R") and the Guernsey Financial Services Commission ("the Commission") are today issuing simultaneously a joint consultation on revisions to the Proceeds of Crime legal and regulatory framework. The revisions bring the Bailiwick's AML/CFT framework into line with international standards issued in 2012 by the Financial Action Task...

Proposed new pensions supervisory framework for consultation

4th May 2017
The Commission publishes today, 4 May 2017, a proposed new pensions supervisory framework for consultation as was communicated in the States report published on 27 April 2017, which can be found via this link. This comprises a proposed extension of regulated activities (under the Regulation of Fiduciaries, Administration Businesses and Company Directors, etc (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2000 (“the...

Consultation on the new Financial Resources Requirement rules ("FRR rules")

24th April 2017
The Guernsey Financial Services Commission is consulting on proposals to introduce new FRR rules for full fiduciary licensees. Background The Commission has been working with the Guernsey Association of Trustees (GAT) with the intent of reviewing and updating the FRR as applicable to full fiduciary licensees. Key reasons for the proposed new FRR rules are: 1) to enable Guernsey to meet...