
Revision of laws project

22nd March 2018
The Commission is seeking feedback on the provisions of the draft Protection of Investors Law, the draft Regulation of Fiduciaries Law and the definitions which are proposed to be used across the revised supervisory laws and specifically whether these may have any unintended consequences or contain fatal flaws. The Commission has published engagement papers in relation to these setting out the...

The Private Investment Fund Rules Update

20th March 2018
The Investment Supervision and Policy Division has issued a new Private Investment Fund FAQ, and has updated and reissued the PIF Form. Links to both may be found here (FAQs) and here (PIF Form)

Sanctions Notice - Somalia

19th March 2018
Council Regulation (EU) 356/2010, as implemented by the Somalia (Restrictive Measures) (Guernsey) Ordinance, 2012, the Somalia (Restrictive Measures) (Alderney) Ordinance, 2012 and the Somalia (Restrictive Measures) (Sark) Ordinance, 2012, has been amended by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/413. The Implementing Regulation is available here: Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/413...

Sanctions Notice - Syria

19th March 2018
Council Regulation (EC) No 36/2012, as implemented by the Syria (Restrictive Measures) (Guernsey) Ordinance, 2012, the Syria (Restrictive Measures) (Alderney) Ordinance, 2012 and the Syria (Restrictive Measures) (Sark) Ordinance, 2012, has been amended by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2018/420. The Implementing Regulation is available here: Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/420...

Instruction No. 01/2018 for Financial Services Businesses and Prescribed Businesses

16th March 2018
The Commission is today issuing Instruction Number 01/2018 for Financial Services Businesses and Prescribed Businesses replacing Instruction No. 04/2017 issued on 5 December 2017. Changes to instruction 01/2018 include the removal of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the addition of Serbia. Further details in respect of these changes can be found within Part B of the Instructions. The Commission would...

Engagement on draft Regulation of Fiduciaries Law

15th March 2018
The Commission is seeking feedback on the provisions of the draft Regulation of Fiduciaries Law specifically whether the amendments may have any unintended consequences or contain fatal flaws. The engagement paper which the Commission has published sets out the topics upon which assistance is requested and questions regarding unintended consequences and whether there are any significant issues in...

Sanctions Notice - Ukraine

14th March 2018
Council Regulation (EU) 269/2014, as implemented by the Territorial Integrity etc. of Ukraine (Restrictive Measures) (Guernsey) Ordinance 2014, the Territorial Integrity etc. of Ukraine (Restrictive Measures) (Alderney) Ordinance 2014 and the Territorial Integrity etc. of Ukraine (Restrictive Measures) (Sark) Ordinance 2014, has been amended by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2018/388. The...

Sanctions Notice - Central African Republic

14th March 2018
Council Regulation (EU) 224/2014, as implemented in the Bailiwick by the Central African Republic (Restrictive Measures) (Guernsey) Ordinance, 2014, the Central African Republic (Restrictive Measures) (Alderney) Ordinance, 2014 and the Central African Republic (Restrictive Measures) (Sark) Ordinance, 2014, has been amended by Council Regulation 2018/387. The effect of the amendments, which are...