
Sanctions Notice - Nicaragua

16th November 2021
Please be advised that the following individuals have been designated under the Nicaragua (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 (the UK regulations): Lumberto Ignacio Campbell Hooker Fidel de Jesus Dominguez Alvarez Ana Julia Guido Ochoa Fidel Antonio Moreno Briones Rosario Maria Murillo Zambrana Gustavo Eduardo Porras Cortes Alba Luz Ramos Vanegas Juan Antonio Valle Valle The UK regulations are...

Commission increases Fees for 2022

12th November 2021
The Commission plans to increase licence fees paid by firms from 1 January 2022 by 7.6% with the agreement of the Policy & Resources Committee. On 16 July 2021, the Commission published a consultation paper on its 2022 fees containing four main proposals:- an overall fee increase of 10.1% for all sectors; a restructuring of fees for the investment sector; changes arising from the update to most of...

Sanctions Notice - Yemen

11th November 2021
Please be advised that Muhammad Abd Al-Karim Al-Ghamari, Yusuf Al-adani and Saleh Mesfer Saleh Al Shaer have been designated under the Yemen (Sanctions) (EU Exit) (No.2) Regulations 2020 (the UK regulations). The UK regulations are given effect within the Bailiwick under the Sanctions (Implementation of UK Regimes) (Bailiwick of Guernsey) (Brexit) Regulations, 2020 that have been made under the...

AML/CFT Handbook - Appendix I Update

5th November 2021
The Commission has today updated Appendix I of the Handbook as a result of the FATF's announcement that it has removed Botswana and Mauritius from its list of jurisdictions under increased monitoring. FATF has added Jordan, Mali and Turkey to the list of jurisdictions under increased monitoring and Appendix I of the Handbook has been updated to reflect these changes. Appendix I lists countries and...

Valsen Fiduciaries International

5th November 2021
The Commission is aware that regulated services are being offered by the above-named entity in Guernsey. The purpose of this notice is to advise that Valsen Fiduciaries International is not licensed, authorised or in any way regulated by the Commission for the conduct of any financial services business in the Bailiwick of Guernsey. Limited

2nd November 2021
It has come to the attention of The Guernsey Financial Services Commission that references have been made via internet news sources and social media platforms to Limited being regulated by the Commission and/or Limited being regulated on behalf of the Commission by its Resident Agent. The purpose of this notice is to advise that both Limited and its holding...

Future-proofing Guernsey’s finance sector

1st November 2021
The new and amended regulatory laws, rules, codes and guidance relating to the Commission’s Revision of Laws project come into effect today and can be found on the Commission’s website here . The Commission undertook extensive public consultation and engagement on revising the Bailiwick’s supervisory and regulatory laws with the aim of maintaining a respected regulatory regime for financial...

The Financial Services Business (Enforcement Powers) (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020

1st November 2021
On 1 November 2021, The Financial Services Business (Enforcement Powers) (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020 (the new Enforcement Law) came into effect. Accordingly, the Commission has revised and updated certain key documents relating to the enforcement process: A new Explanatory Note regarding “ the Investigation and Decision-Making Process in Relation to the use of Enforcement Powers ”, which...

Consultation on Ancillary Vehicles

1st November 2021
Following feedback to the Commission’s Consultation Paper on Ancillary Vehicles, the Commission has conducted further data collection and analysis. This process is ongoing and the policy proposals remain under consideration. It should be noted, therefore, that upon commencement of the new and amended regulatory laws on 1 November 2021, the notification regime for Ancillary Vehicles and the...