
Sanctions Notice - Cybercrime

13th February 2023
Please be advised that the following individuals have been designated under the Cyber (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 (the UK regulations) - Mikhail ISKRITSKIY Valentin Olegovich KARYAGIN Vitaliy Nikolayevich KOVALEV Maksim Sergeevich MIKHAILOV Dmitry PLESHEVSKIY Valery Veniaminovich SEDLETSKI Ivan Vasilyevich VAKHROMEYEV The UK regulations are given effect within the Bailiwick under the...

Sanctions Notice - Russia

13th February 2023
Please be advised that a correction has been made in respect of Evgeny Mikhailovich SHKOLOV who is currently designated under the Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (the UK regulations) and who remains subject to an asset freeze. The UK regulations are given effect within the Bailiwick under the Sanctions (Implementation of UK Regimes) (Bailiwick of Guernsey) (Brexit) Regulations, 2020...

The Commission updates its Natural Capital Fund framework to reflect agreement at COP 15

10th February 2023
In September 2022, the Guernsey Financial Services Commission launched its Natural Capital Fund framework, as part of the growing Guernsey Sustainable Funds Regime. In December 2022, at COP 15, governments from around the world came together to agree on a new set of goals to guide global action by 2030 to halt and reverse nature loss. [1] To ensure that the Natural Capital Fund framework reflects...

Sanctions Notice - ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida

9th February 2023
Please be advised that changes have been made to designations under the ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (the UK regulations). The changes comprise amendments in respect of 25 individuals and three entities and corrections in respect of four individuals. Further information about these changes is available here; Notice_ISIL__Da_esh__and_Al-Qaida_080223.pdf...

Sanctions Notice - Russia

9th February 2023
Please be advised that 8 individuals and 5 entities have been designated under the Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (the UK regulations). Details of the individuals and entities are available here: Notice_Russia_080223.pdf ( The UK regulations are given effect within the Bailiwick under the Sanctions (Implementation of UK Regimes) (Bailiwick of Guernsey)...

Commission elects new Vice-Chairman

6th February 2023
The Commission has elected John Aspden as its Vice-Chairman in the wake of the sad death of its previous Vice-Chairman, Baroness Couttie. John is also Chairman of the Group of International Finance Centre Supervisors and co-chairs the Basel Consultative Group, and was made an MBE for his work in financial services. He was Chief Executive of the Financial Supervision Commission in the Isle of Man...

Publication of a Notice of the fact of a Prohibition Order and a Discretionary Financial Penalty

3rd February 2023
On 2 February 2023, the Commission imposed discretionary financial penalties as follows: Mr William Stephen Cairns (“Mr Cairns”) a financial penalty of £133,000; and Mr Du Preez Gert Vermeulen (“Mr Vermeulen”) a financial penalty of £35,000. Further, on the above date, the Commission imposed the prohibitions as follows: Mr Cairns prohibited from all functions for a period of ten years and six...