
Sanctions Notice - Syria

17th November 2016
Council Regulation (EC) No 36/2012, as implemented by the Syria (Restrictive Measures) (Guernsey) Ordinance, 2012, the Syria (Restrictive Measures) (Alderney) Ordinance, 2012 and the Syria (Restrictive Measures) (Sark) Ordinance, 2012, has been amended by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2016/1996. The Implementing Regulation is available here: Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1996...

Private Investment Fund Regime Launched

16th November 2016
The Private Investment Fund Summary The Guernsey Financial Services Commission is today launching its regime for Private Investment Funds. This concludes its evaluation of the responses to the consultation process. The Commission is very grateful to all who responded and will be writing in due course to all who did so. The Applications Process The duration of the applications process would be one...

Sanctions Notice - Syria

15th November 2016
Council Regulation (EC) No 36/2012, as implemented by the Syria (Restrictive Measures) (Guernsey) Ordinance, 2012, the Syria (Restrictive Measures) (Alderney) Ordinance, 2012 and the Syria (Restrictive Measures) (Sark) Ordinance, 2012, has been amended by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2016/1984. The Implementing Regulation is available here: Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/1984...

Advisory Notice to Licensees on Terrorist Financing

15th November 2016
The Commission wishes to draw licensees' attention to the current military action in Iraq and Syria and the associated funding of the extremist insurgency group, Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant ("ISIL"). Reports suggest that ISIL is acquiring military hardware leftover from the Libyan conflict which is being transported to Iraq and Syria through neighbouring jurisdictions such as Jordan, or...

Sanctions Notice - Ukraine

9th November 2016
Council Regulation (EU) 269/2014, as implemented by the Territorial Integrity etc. of Ukraine (Restrictive Measures) (Guernsey) Ordinance 2014, the Territorial Integrity etc. of Ukraine (Restrictive Measures) (Alderney) Ordinance 2014 and the Territorial Integrity etc. of Ukraine (Restrictive Measures) (Sark ) Ordinance 2014, has been amended by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2016/ 1955...

Commission consults on proposed Bank Liquidity Framework

7th November 2016
The Commission is today issuing a consultation paper on proposals for the implementation of a new regulatory liquidity framework for banks. The proposed framework establishes a revised minimum regulatory liquidity requirement for Guernsey incorporated banks, consistent with the Basel Committee’s Basel III standard, along with revised liquidity reporting requirements for all banks. Basel III...

Sanctions Notices - Syria; ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida Network; and Terrorism and Terrorist Financing

3rd November 2016
Please be advised that there have been a number of developments in relation to the Bailiwick's sanctions regime which are set out below. These developments concern sanctions relating to Syria; ISIL and Al-Qaida; and Terrorism and Terrorist Financing. Syria Council Regulation (EC) No 36/2012, as implemented by the Syria (Restrictive Measures) (Guernsey) Ordinance, 2012, the Syria (Restrictive...

The Commission's 2017 Licence Fees

1st November 2016
The Commission has confirmed that it will apply a blended rate increase of 2%, including anomalies, to the fees charged to licensees effective from 1st January 2017. There will also be a change to the fee structure for the insurance sector. Last year, the Commission agreed to work with representatives of the Guernsey International Insurance Association (GIIA) to determine whether an alternative...

Regulatory Framework for the Provision of Pensions Products

27th October 2016
The Commission today publishes a Discussion Paper ('DP') outlining a potential approach for modernising the supervisory framework for the provision of private pensions. This follows discussions with the States of Guernsey The DP has been developed with the input of a working group comprising representatives from stakeholders across the public and private sectors in particular members of both the...