

Sanctions Notice - Chemical Weapons

24th January 2019
Council Regulation (EU) No 2018/1542, as implemented in the Bailiwick by the Chemical Weapons (Restrictive Measures) (Guernsey) Ordinance, 2018 and corresponding Ordinances for Alderney and Sark, has been amended by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2019/84. The effect of the amendments, which are automatically and immediately effective in the Bailiwick, is to place nine individuals and one...

Sanctions Notice - North Korea

24th January 2019
Council Regulation (EU) No 2017/1509, as implemented in the Bailiwick by the North Korea (Restrictive Measures) (Guernsey) Ordinance, 2017, the North Korea (Restrictive Measures) (Alderney) Ordinance, 2017, and the North Korea (Restrictive Measures) (Sark) Ordinance, 2017, has been amended by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2019/93. The effect of the amendments, which are automatically and...

Sanctions Notice - Ukraine

24th January 2019
Council Regulation (EU) 269/2014, as implemented by the Territorial Integrity etc. of Ukraine (Restrictive Measures) (Guernsey) Ordinance 2014, the Territorial Integrity etc. of Ukraine (Restrictive Measures) (Alderney) Ordinance 2014 and the Territorial Integrity etc. of Ukraine (Restrictive Measures) (Sark) Ordinance 2014, has been amended by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2019/92. The...

Sanctions Notice - Terrorism and Terrorist Financing

10th January 2019
The list of persons subject to restrictive measures under Council Regulation 2580/2001 (the EU Regulation) has been amended by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2019/24, and Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1071 has been repealed. The effect of the amendment is to add two persons and one entity to the persons, groups and entities on the list. The Implementing Regulation is available...

Sanctions Notice - Iraq

9th January 2019
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1518, as implemented in the Bailiwick by the Iraq (United Nations Sanctions) Channel Islands Order 2000, has been amended. The effect of the amendments, which are automatically effective in the Bailiwick, is to remove three entities from the list of persons and entities subject to financial restrictions under Resolution 1518. Further details about the...

Sanctions Notice - Iraq

2nd January 2019
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1518, as implemented in the Bailiwick by the Iraq (United Nations Sanctions) Channel Islands Order 2000, has been amended. The effect of the amendments, which are automatically effective in the Bailiwick, is to remove one entity from the list of persons and entities subject to financial restrictions under Resolution 1518. Further details about the...

Sanctions Notice - Burma/Myanmar

24th December 2018
Council Regulation (EU) No 2013/401, as implemented in the Bailiwick by the Myanmar/Burma (Restrictive Measures) (Guernsey) Ordinance, 2013, the Myanmar/Burma (Restrictive Measures) (Alderney) Ordinance, 2013, and the Myanmar/Burma (Restrictive Measures) (Sark) Ordinance, 2017, has been amended by Council Implementing Regulation 2018/2053. The effect of the amendments, which are automatically and...

Sanctions Notice - Libya

19th December 2018
Council Regulation (EU) No 2016/44, as implemented by the Libya (Restrictive Measures) (Guernsey) Ordinance, 2016, the Libya (Restrictive Measures) (Alderney) Ordinance, 2016 and the Libya (Restrictive Measures) (Sark) Ordinance, 2016, has been amended by Council Regulation (EU) No 2018/2004. The Implementing Regulation is available here: Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/2004 The effect...

Sanctions Notice - Somalia

12th December 2018
Council Regulation (EU) 356/2010, as implemented by the Somalia (Restrictive Measures) (Guernsey) Ordinance, 2012, the Somalia (Restrictive Measures) (Alderney) Ordinance, 2012 and the Somalia (Restrictive Measures) (Sark) Ordinance, 2012, has been amended by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1933. The Implementing Regulation is available here: Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018...