

Sanctions Notice - Cyber

12th February 2025
Please be advised that the following individuals/entities: ZSERVERS (Unique ID: CYB0064) XHOST Internet Solutions LP (Unique ID: CYB0065) Aleksandr Sergeyevich Bolshakov (Unique ID: CYB0066) Aleksandr Igorevich Mishin (Unique ID: CYB0067) Ilya Vladimirovich Sidorov (Unique ID: CYB0068) Dmitry Konstantinovich Bolshakov (Unique ID: CYB0069) Igor Vladimirovich Odintsov (Unique ID: CYB0070) Vladimir...

Sanctions Notice - Russia

30th January 2025
Please be advised that the following person has been removed from the UK Russia financial sanctions regime and is no longer subject to an asset freeze, travel ban or trust services sanctions: Nikolay Ivanovich Bortsov (Group ID: 14489) The consolidated list has been updated and can be found here . The UK regulations are given effect within the Bailiwick under the Sanctions (Implementation of UK...

Sanctions Notice - Belarus

27th January 2025
Please be advised that the following individuals and entities: ALEVKURP OJSC (Unique ID: BEL0167) Andrei Valerievich ANANENKO (Unique ID: BEL0168) Andrey Mikhailovich TSEDRIK (Unique ID: BEL0169) Igor Vasilyevich KARPENKO (Unique ID: BEL0170) KB Unmanned Helicopters (UAVHeli) (Unique ID: BEL0171) Legmash Plant JSC (Unique ID: BEL0172) Mikhail Petrovitch BEDUNKEVICH (Unique ID: BEL0173) Pavel...

Sanctions Notice - Venezuela

17th January 2025
Please be advised that details of the following person: DOMINGO ANTONIO HERNANDEZ LAREZ (GROUP ID: 16733) who has been designated under the Venezuela (Sanctions) Regulations 2019 (the UK regulations), have been amended. They are still subject to an asset freeze. The individuals referred to above appear on the UK’s consolidated list, which can be found here . The UK regulations are given effect...

Sanctions Notice - Russia

15th January 2025
The following entry has been amended and remains subject to an asset freeze and trust services sanctions: GAZPROM NEFT (GROUP ID: 16736) The following entry has also been amended and remains subject to an investment ban: GAZPROM NEFT (GROUP ID: 13119) The persons/entities referred to above appear on the UK’s consolidated list, which can be found here . The UK regulations are given effect within...

Sanctions Notice - Russia

15th January 2025
Please be advised the following entry: GAZPROM NEFT (Group ID: 16736) has been corrected to include updated or additional information under the Russia financial sanctions regime and is still subject to an asset freeze and trust services sanctions. The persons/entities referred to above appear on the UK’s consolidated list, which can be found here . The UK regulations are given effect within the...

Sanctions Notice - Venezuela

14th January 2025
Please be advised that the following individuals: Asdrubal Jose Brito Hernandez (Unique ID: VEN0037) Calixto Antonio Ortega Rios (Unique ID: VEN0038) Carlos Enrique Quintero Cuevas (Unique ID: VEN0039) Caryslia Beatriz Rodriguez Rodriguez (Unique ID: VEN0040) Domingo Antonio Hernandez Larez (Unique ID: VEN0041) Elio Ramon Estrada Paredes (Unique ID: VEN0042) Lourdes Benicia Suarez Anderson (Unique...

Sanctions Notice - Russia

14th January 2025
Please be advised that the following entities: PJSC SURGUTNEFTEGAS (Unique ID: RUS2382) GAZPROM NEFT (Unique ID: RUS2383) have been designated under the Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (the UK regulations). The entities referred to above appears on the UK’s consolidated list, which can be found here . The UK regulations are given effect within the Bailiwick under the Sanctions...

Sanctions Notice - Russia

8th January 2025
Please be advised that details in respect of Vyacheslav Vladimirovich RUKSHA (Unique ID: RUS1764) who is currently subject to an asset freeze, travel and trust services sanctions, have been amended. The details in respect of ZAPCHASTTRADE LLP (Unique ID: RUS2305) who is currently subject to an asset freeze and trust services sanctions have also been amended. The individual and entity referred to...