

Commission announces two-year freeze in licence fees

3rd October 2018
The Commission has historically consulted annually with industry on proposals for increasing the fees which it charges licensees. Those fees represent the Commission’s principal method of funding its operational costs including any capital expenditure. However, after careful consideration, the Commission has decided not to seek any increase in the current level of its fees for the next two years...

“The relationship between regulation and economic growth.”

17th September 2018
The Commission’s Director General, William Mason, was the guest speaker at today’s lunchtime event held by the Chamber of Commerce. Mr Mason explored the positive relationship that can exist between regulation and economic growth. He posited that the key issue is not whether growth and regulation can co-exist but rather what level and type of regulation is optimal for economic growth. He suggested...

June Quarter 2018 Statistics Show Increase

4th September 2018
Second Quarter 2018 Investment Funds The net asset value of total funds under management and administration has increased in Sterling terms over the quarter ended 30 June 2018 by £13 billion (4.94%) to £276 billion. For the year since 30 June 2017, total net asset values increased by £5 billion (1.9%). Open-ended Funds Within these totals, Guernsey domiciled open-ended funds increased by £1.4...

Instruction No. 02/2018 for Financial Services Businesses and Prescribed Businesses

3rd August 2018
The Commission is today issuing Instruction Number 02/2018 for Financial Services Businesses and Prescribed Businesses replacing Instruction No. 01/2018 issued on 16 March 2018. Changes to Instruction No. 02/2018 include the removal of Iraq and Vanuatu and the addition of Pakistan. Further details in respect of these changes can be found within Part B of the Instructions. The Commission has also...

Engagement on the draft Banking Supervision (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2018

12th July 2018
Introduction On 30 October 2015, the States of Deliberation approved the Policy Letter submitted by the Policy Council on the Revision of the Financial Supervisory and Regulatory Laws. Representatives of the States of Alderney and the Chief Pleas of Sark had previously indicated their support for the proposals which followed a public consultation process. The Law Officers of the Crown together...

Guernsey Green Fund

9th July 2018
The Guernsey Green Fund Rules The Commission is pleased to announce the publication of the Guernsey Green Fund Rules following the closing of the consultation on 1 June 2018. The Rules create a new description of a scheme known as a Guernsey Green Fund that has the objective of seeking a return for investors whilst mitigating environmental damage. The rationale for developing the Green Fund Rules...

The Prospectus Rules 2018 and the Registered Collective Investment Scheme Rules 2018

6th July 2018
The Investment Supervision and Policy Division has concluded its consultation and has now issued the Prospectus Rules 2018 ( here ) and the Registered Collective Investment Scheme Rules 2018. ( here ) Both Rules will be effective from 6 October 2018. Implementation may be achieved through the earlier of: a fund initiating an annual review at an appropriate time to identify the changes required to...

First Quarter Investment Statistics 2018

24th May 2018
First Quarter 2018 Investment Funds The net asset value of total funds under management and administration has decreased in Sterling terms over the quarter ended 31 March 2018 by £7 billion (-2.9%) to £263 billion. For the year since 31 March 2017, total net asset values decreased by £5 billion (-1.5%). Open-ended Funds Within these totals Guernsey domiciled open-ended funds decreased by £1.67...