

AML/CFT Handbook Update and Gibraltar Instruction

21st July 2022
The Commission has today issued amendments to the country lists in Appendix C and Appendix I of the Handbook on Countering Financial Crime and Terrorist Financing reflecting the Financial Action Task Force’s updated list of jurisdictions under increased monitoring, which now includes Gibraltar. The amendments include the removal of Gibraltar from the list of equivalent jurisdictions in Appendix C...

Consultation Paper on The Lending, Credit & Finance Rules, Guidance and Implementation

21st July 2022
The Commission has today published a Consultation Paper setting out the Commission’s Rules and approach for regulating the sectors covered by The Lending, Credit and Finance (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2022, and is seeking feedback on its proposed Rules and approach. The purpose of the new Law, which was passed by the States of Guernsey on 14 July 2022, is to protect customers in the Bailiwick...

Commission consults on Fees for 2023

20th July 2022
The Commission today launches a consultation paper on proposals for increasing the licence fees paid by firms. The consultation period will close on Wednesday 14 September. The consultation paper is available on the Commission’s Consultation Hub. The Commission is consulting on an overall increase in fees of 9%. Other specific proposals to change fees are outlined in the consultation paper and...

ITI Trade Limited

18th July 2022
ITI Trade Limited (trading as ITI Trade LTD.) (“the Company”) On 18 July 2022, the Guernsey Financial Services Commission, acting pursuant to powers granted to it under the Financial Services Business (Enforcement Powers) (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020, made an application to the Royal Court for an administration management order in relation to the Company, a company licensed under the...


15th July 2022
ITI Trade Limited (“the Company”), Registration No. 59198 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to section 82(5)(b) of the Financial Services Business (Enforcement Powers) (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020 that at 10am on the 18th day of July 2022 application will be made to the Royal Court for an administration management order in relation to the Company.

Artemis Trustees Limited

7th July 2022
On 24 June 2022 the Commission imposed a discretionary financial penalty on Artemis Trustees Limited of £450,000. The above sanction was imposed on Artemis Trustees Limited as a result of their failure to meet the minimum criteria for licensing under The Regulation of Fiduciaries, Administration Businesses and Company Directors, etc. (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020. More details to follow in due...

Spoof emails

30th June 2022
The Commission has become aware of a possible phishing attempt being sent to some of its licensees purporting to be from the Commission. If you have received an email from the Commission and you are unsure of its authenticity, please do not click on any links or attachments and instead forward it to [email protected]. The Commission sends its emails from the domain ending “” and the email...

Feedback and Final Consultation on Professional Indemnity Insurance for Fiduciary, Investment, Insurance Intermediary and Insurance Manager Sectors

10th June 2022
Feedback and Final Consultation on Professional Indemnity Insurance for Fiduciary, Investment, Insurance Intermediary and Insurance Manager Sectors The Commission has issued today two feedback statements on the previous Consultation Papers (“CPs”) on Professional Indemnity Insurance (“PII”), one in relation to the Fiduciary and Investment sectors and the other relevant to the Insurance...

Thematic Review of the Pension Transfer Landscape in the Bailiwick

9th June 2022
The Commission has today published a Thematic Review of the Pension Transfer Landscape in the Bailiwick The Thematic Review highlights our findings for both the local pension sector and for pension members and illustrates our expectations in this area together with examples of good practice and areas for improvement. If a pension transfer request is not completed within 60 days from the date the...