
Financial Crime

AML/CFT Handbook - Appendix I Update

5th November 2021
The Commission has today updated Appendix I of the Handbook as a result of the FATF's announcement that it has removed Botswana and Mauritius from its list of jurisdictions under increased monitoring. FATF has added Jordan, Mali and Turkey to the list of jurisdictions under increased monitoring and Appendix I of the Handbook has been updated to reflect these changes. Appendix I lists countries and...

Distribution of Annual Fee Invoices and Generic Email Addresses

29th October 2021
Following on from last year, the Commission will be distributing 2022 annual fee invoices using the generic email address that we hold on record for each licensee and registrant. If you wish to check which email address the Commission holds for your firm, please contact '[email protected]', quoting the entity name and GFSC reference number, which can be found on our website ( Regulated Entities...

2021 Financial Crime Risk Return Reminder

1st October 2021
The Commission wishes to remind all financial services businesses and prescribed businesses (with the exception of personal fiduciary licensees and general insurers) that the Financial Crime Risk Return (“the Return”) is due for submission by 31 October 2021. The Return can be found via the Commission’s Online Submissions Portal, located at . Should you have any technical...

Commission consults on Fees for 2022

16th July 2021
The Commission today launches a consultation paper on proposals for increasing the licence fees paid by firms. The consultation period will close on Wednesday 8 September. The Commission’s consultation paper is available here . Feedback may be provided via the Consultation Hub section of the Commission’s website: Taking into account the Commission’s current and...

Thematic Review on Reporting Suspicion

15th July 2021
The Commission has today issued its report on the thematic review on the reporting of suspicion of money laundering or terrorist financing. The review covered both financial services and prescribed businesses and was undertaken during the second half of 2020 . Please click on the following link for a copy of the review: Reporting Suspicion - Thematic Review 2020 All firms which took part in this...

Financial Crime Risk Return 2021

8th July 2021
The Financial Crime Risk Return (the “FCRR”) for the reporting period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021 will be available for completion on the Online Submissions Portal on 13 July 2021. The submission deadline is 31 October 2021. Following the Commission's previous announcements and after consultation with industry, updates made to the 2021 FCRR include: Additional reporting on suspicious activity and...

Updates to the Handbook on Countering Financial Crime and Terrorist Financing and issuance of Instruction

5th July 2021
The Commission has today issued amendments to the country lists in Appendix C and Appendix I of the Handbook on Countering Financial Crime and Terrorist Financing reflecting the Financial Action Task Force’s updated list of jurisdictions under increased monitoring, which includes Malta, Haiti, the Philippines and South Sudan. The amendments include the removal of Malta from the list of equivalent...

Ms Sarah Jayne Sarre

27th April 2021
On 16 April 2021 the Commission imposed a discretionary financial penalty on Ms Sarah Jayne Sarre of £13,500. The above sanction was imposed on Ms Sarre as a result of her failure to meet the minimum criteria for licensing. More details to follow in due course.

Standard Chartered Trust (Guernsey) Limited

23rd April 2021
The Financial Services Commission (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 1987 (“the Financial Services Commission Law”); The Regulation of Fiduciaries, Administration Businesses and Company Directors, etc (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2000 (the “Fiduciaries Law”); The Disclosure (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2007 (the “Disclosure Law”). The Criminal Justice (Proceeds of Crime) (Financial Services Businesses)...