

Introduced Business - Statement No. 2

27th April 2005
27 April 2005 Representatives of the finance sector in Guernsey have requested clarification of the Commission's policy on certain aspects of introduced business. Accordingly, following consultation with the Joint Money Laundering Steering Group, the Commission has today issued Statement No. 2 on introduced business to the finance sector. Enquiries should be made to: Sylvia Sirett Senior Analyst...

Statement on Anti-Money Laundering Standards for Existing Customers

30th June 2004
​Press Release - Anti-Money Laundering Standards for Existing Customers 30 June 2004 Following the issue of revised Recommendations by the Financial Action Task Force in 2003, the Commission has issued a statement on anti-money laundering standards for existing customers (available here as a PDF document). The statement requires financial services businesses to assess the risk of each business...

Statement on Interviews

2nd April 2004
​The Commission has today published a statement on interviews conducted under section 21B(1) of the Financial Services Commission (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 1987, as amended. The purpose of the statement is to set out the Commission's policy on the conduct of interviews under the Financial Services Commission Law to assist a foreign authority to carry out its functions. The statement on...

Statement on Introduced Business

18th December 2003
18 December 2003 The Commission is issuing this statement on introduced business, in order to provide financial services businesses with a clear statement of the standard which it will adopt in the revised Guidance Notes on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism, following the introduction on 20 June 2003 of the revised Forty Recommendations by the Financial...

Principles for the Management of Credit Risk

17th June 2003
MEMORANDUM FILE REF: B52 TO: Managing Directors and Branch Managers of Guernsey Banks I enclose for your attention a copy of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision's paper entitled "Principles for the Management of Credit Risk." It can be obtained in electronic format (PDF) from the Committee's website at Management of Credit Risk Although this paper was...

Guidelines for Corporate Governance and Risk Management of Banks - Consultation

23rd May 2003
Bankers will be aware that amendments currently in the pipeline to the Banking Supervision (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law 1994 will create obligations for them in respect of corporate governance and risk management. The Commission intends to issue guidelines in support of those requirements. We were encouraged to produce these guidelines by the IMF Mission who recommended that we issue a guidance...

The Terrorism and Crime (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law 2002 (Proscribed Organisations) (Amendment) Regulations 2003

20th February 2003
​20 February 2003 Attention is drawn to these Regulations which came into effect on 8 January 2003. Schedule 1 to the Terrorism and Crime (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2002 (which contains a list of proscribed organisations) has been updated by these Regulations which add an additional 4 organisations to the list of proscribed organisations set out in Schedule 1. Financial services businesses...

Bogus Banks – Intereurope and IMBGroup Bank PLC

10th December 2002
INTEREUROPE BANK.COM INTEREUROPE BANK FINANCE COMPANY (GUERNSEY) LIMITED IMBGROUP BANK PLC IMBGROUP FINANCE COMPANY (GUERNSEY) LIMITED The above-named entities have recently come to the Commission's attention. It has been noted from their web sites at and that it is claimed that the companies have offices in Guernsey and that they are licensed by the...