
Revision of laws project

22nd March 2018

The Commission is seeking feedback on the provisions of the draft Protection of Investors Law, the draft Regulation of Fiduciaries Law and the definitions which are proposed to be used across the revised supervisory laws and specifically whether these may have any unintended consequences or contain fatal flaws.

The Commission has published engagement papers in relation to these setting out the topics upon which assistance is requested and questions regarding unintended consequences and whether there are any significant issues in relation to specific provisions or proposed definitions.  These are contained in the “Key Issues for Consideration” currently published on Citizenspace.

To assist in providing responses to the ‘Key Issues for Consideration’ in relation to the draft Protection of Investors Law, the draft Regulation of Fiduciaries Law and the definitions which are proposed to be used across the revised supervisory laws, the three engagement papers may be found below.

Matters of Interest - Protection of Investors

Matters of Interest - Fiduciaries Law

Matters of Interest - Definitions