
Consultation Paper on proposed new Regulated Investment Exchange Operator Rules

17th September 2024

The Guernsey Financial Services Commission has today issued a Consultation Paper seeking comments from interested parties on the creation of a new set of rules and associated guidance to be made under the Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020 (“the POI Law”) – The Regulated Investment Exchange Operator Rules and Guidance (“the RIEO Rules”).

The RIEO Rules are intended to replace the current Investment Exchange (Notification) Rules 1998 (“the IEN Rules”) and will apply to any firm licensed under the POI Law to operate an investment exchange.  They will provide one consolidated and transparent point of reference for an operator of an investment exchange, incorporating relevant elements of the IEN Rules and other applicable rules made under the POI Law.

Respondents are encouraged to submit any comments online using the Commission’s Consultation Hub at the following link, where a copy of the Consultation Paper and draft RIEO Rules may also be found