Notices, Instructions & Warnings

Current Notices, Instructions and Warnings

No current Notices, Instructions and Warnings.

Previous Notices, Instructions and Warnings

Previously issued Notices, Instructions and Warnings can be found below.

Instruction Number 02/2023 for Specified Businesses (Bulgaria) 135.4KB -
Instruction Number 01/2023 for Specified Businesses (South Africa) 448.3KB -
Instruction Number 01/2022 for Specified Businesses - Gibraltar 170.8KB -
Instruction Number 02/2021 for Specified Businesses - Malta 152.4KB -
Instruction Number 01/2021 for Specified Businesses - Cayman Islands 417.7KB -

Appendices H & I to the Handbook

Appendix H to the Handbook on Countering Financial Crime (AML/CFT/CPF) lists those countries and territories which the Financial Action Task Force (“FATF”) has identified with significant strategic deficiencies in their regimes to counter ML, FT and PF for which it has called for the application of countermeasures.

Appendix I to the Handbook lists a number of countries and territories that are identified by the UK and US governments, intergovernmental and supranational organisations such as the FATF as presenting certain ML, FT and PF risks.  Alongside these sources, information is presented reflecting assessments of a country or territory by non-governmental organisations and think tanks which firms may also find useful when they are determining the level of country risk presented by a business relationship or occasional transaction.

The FATF page on High Risk and Other Monitored Jurisdictions can be found here.

The FATF's consolidated list of Mutual Evaluation Report ratings can be found here.

For further information regarding the application of Appendices H and I, please refer to the Handbook on Countering Financial Crime (AML/CFT/CPF).

Appendix H - FATF High Risk Jurisdictions Subject to a Call for Action 61.1KB -
Appendix H - FATF High Risk Jurisdictions Subject to a Call for Action (Tracked) 61.1KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks 421.1KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks (Tracked) 423.5KB -

Previous Versions of Appendices H and I

Previous versions of Appendices H & I to the Handbook can be found below. A record of changes document can be found on the Handbook on Countering Financial Crime (AML/CFT/CPF) page.

Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks 343.5KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks (Tracked) 350.5KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks 421.4KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks (Tracked) 422.8KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks 422KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks (Tracked) 422.9KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks 419.3KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks (Tracked) 426.4KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks 422.4KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks (Tracked) 434.2KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks 425.3KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks (Tracked) 433.5KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks 428KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks (Tracked) 452.1KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks 889.2KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks (Tracked) 890.7KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks 425.6KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks (Tracked) 429.5KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks 426.9KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks (Tracked) 429.8KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks 426.8KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks (Tracked) 428.7KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks 425.5KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks (Tracked) 429.7KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks 426.9KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks (Tracked) 429.8KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks 1MB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks (Tracked) 1MB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks 832.5KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks (Tracked) 835.8KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks 832.3KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks (Tracked) 835.5KB -
Appendix H - FATF High Risk Jurisdictions Subject to a Call for Action (Tracked) 105.8KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks 833.5KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks (Tracked) 841.2KB -
Appendix H - FATF High Risk Jurisdictions Subject to a Call for Action 106.5KB -
Appendix I - Countries That are Presenting Higher Risks 840.3KB -


Business from Sensitive Sources Instructions

Following changes to the Handbook on Countering Financial Crime (AML/CFT/CPF) ("the Handbook") on 19 June 2020, the issuance of Business from Sensitive Sources Instructions has been replaced by the introduction of Appendices H and I to the Handbook. As such, Instruction (Number 01/2020) for Specified Businesses was repealed as at 19 June 2020.

The Business from Sensitive Sources Instructions issued by the Commission required enhanced customer due diligence measures to be applied by financial services businesses and prescribed businesses in the Bailiwick when taking on business or executing transactions from countries or territories specified within Sections A and C of the Instructions. A copy of repealed Instruction (Number 01/2020) for Specified Businesses, together with log of all Business from Sensitive Sources Instructions and Notices released from December 2007 to June 2020 has been provided below for reference: